Fingering Chart for the Fife

X means hole closed O means hole open

A'  O X O O X O
G'  X O X O O O
F#' X O X X O O
E'  X X O O O X
D'  O X X X X X
C#  O X X O O O
C   O O O O O O
B   X O O O O O
A   X X O O O O
G   X X X O O O
F#  X X X X O O
E   X X X X X O
D   X X X X X X

Note: If the tune is written in the key of D, play all F's as F# and all C's as C#.If the tune is written in the key of G, play all F's as F# and all C's as C natural. In the ABC format I've included whether the note is sharp or natural (this can also be inferred from the key signature). Because fifing tunes are played in D Major or G Major a lot of people just call F and F# the same thing (as they're always playing an F#).

The notation used in the ABC format is the same as in Gary Hastings book "With Fife and Drum". For example D means D in the middle octave on the fife and D' means D in the high octave on the fife. 

Some ABC notations use lower case and upper case letters - but we don't. If you're familiar with the fingering on the fife this quick ABC reference is probably easier to read.

Luton and Lambeg Bedford Drumming Club:

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