Luton and Bedford Lambeg Drumming Club Constitution
1. The Association shall be known as Luton & Bedford Drumming Club
2. The objects of the Association shall be to develop the musical, cultural & social life of Luton, Bedford and the surrounding areas. This will include the promotion of our specialist knowledge of traditional Ulster-Scots style culture & music
3. The Association shall be non-sexist, non-political & non-sectarian
4. Membership shall be open to all who support the objects of the Association, who are willing to abide by the rules and who pay an annual membership fee of £10 minimum
5. The Association may delegate powers to Committees. Any Committee so formed shall, in the exercise of the powers so delegated, conform to any regulations that may be imposed on it by the Association. In turn, the Committee may appoint sub-Committees to deal with any specific branch of its work. Any sub-Committee will consist of not less than two people
6. The officers of the Association shall be Presidents(s), Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer all of who shall be members of the Executive Committee. This Committee will undertake daily management decisions on behalf of the Association. The Executive Committee will have a quorum of four
7. The officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting
8. The chairperson shall ensure that minutes are recorded, and their accuracy shall be confirmed by adoption thereof at each subsequent meeting
9. A meeting shall be held at least twice a year. Four members shall form a quorum. A register of attendance shall be kept by the vice-chairperson or, in his/her absence, by the Secretary
10. The chairperson may call a special meeting when necessary or on the request of six members of the Association. When members of the Association request a special meeting seven days clear notice of the meeting, with a copy of the agenda, must be sent or given to every member
11. The treasurer shall keep a full and accurate account of all monies received and all monies received shall be lodged to a bank account. He/She shall submit a financial report to all meetings. He/She shall also submit a written statement of the annual accounts certified at the Annual General Meeting
12. The Association may authorise the Executive Committee to spend money or to make payments on behalf of the Association subject to limits, which it shall determine and deem advisable from time to time. Nothing in this rule may be construed as giving authority to the Executive Committee to make payments contrary to rules 16 and 17
13. The Association shall not, under any circumstances, make any presentation or gift to any person or persons from its funds
14. Any request for a subscription or donation from another organisation must be submitted to a regular meeting of the Association. The members present may reject the application or adjourn for further consideration at the next regular meeting. No payment in full or in part shall be made unless 3/4 of those present and entitled to vote approve of such payment
15. No articles of this Constitution shall be altered, amended or rescinded except by a 3/4 majority of those voting at an Annual General Meeting of which seven days notice of the meeting and the proposed Constitution alteration shall be given
16. No officer, member or Committee shall issue any circular, communication or report to the media relating to the Association unless such circular or report has been sanctioned by the Association at its regular meeting or by its Executive Committee. This does not preclude the Chairperson or Secretary from issuing any communication to the members
17. No member shall claim to represent the Association without the Association’s express permission
Luton and Bedford Lambeg Drumming Club
